Class Registration – Pacific Coast Learning Center

Class Registration

Mad Dog Math PCLC Class Schedule: Wednesdays for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade and up; $300 per semester (includes software and flash cards)

Each class tuition comes with:

1. A semester’s subscription to our online game (software) called Mad Dog Math – ANYWHERE . This is the backbone of the class and 10-minute daily practice is required to make desired progress.

2. Mad Dog Math flash cards to supplement the online game; given out first semester only.

The foundation for strong math literacy is math facts mastery. It is the gateway to fractions, which in turn, is the gateway to algebra. Students who master their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts are better able to tackle higher-level math problems as they get older.

There are some tricks to learning the facts, but mostly it is by hard work, deliberate intention, and repetition that these facts are acquired. The tricks will be introduced and the Mad Dog Math system will be used in the classroom, as well as math games and Marcy Cook Tile cards to help students learn the facts.

If your child finds math frightening, laborious, discouraging, in need of acquiring the facts, or in need of moving from accuracy to automaticity (fast, accurate, and with very little thought), then this is the class for him or her. The multi-level class will be broken up into groups by grade level or ability. All students will move through the 3 stations (Teacher Station, Math Games Station, and the Marcy Cook Tile Station) each week and will begin mastering their facts at their own pace. 1st – 2nd graders will focus on the addition and subtraction facts while students in 3rd grade and up will concentrate on the multiplication and division facts.

***Ten minutes of flash card practice and on the Mad Dog Math game is required daily (Mon-Fri) to progress.

Minimum per class: 4 students per group (1st, 2nd, and 3rd on up)
Maximum per class: 6 first graders, 8 second graders, and 10 third graders on up

Fill out the form below to register your child:

[contact-form-7 id=”12146″ title=”PCLC – Registration”]